Home :: World Banknotes - T :: Tanzania :: Tanzania 100 Shilingi (1978) (GN443815) (circulated) F+

Tanzania 100 Shilingi (1978) (GN443815) (circulated) F+

Tanzania 100 Shilingi (1978) (GN443815) (circulated) F+
Product Code:
8.50 ($ 9.18)
100 Shillings (1978) (Obverse: Effigy of President Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922–1999). Coat of arms depicting male and female holding elephant tusks. Uhuru flaming torch. Ornamental guilloche pattern, lathework. Reverse: Students reading books in library. Boy and girl working with hoes. Huts and houses. Map outline of Tanzania. Watermark: Head of a giraffe. Security features: Consecutively running black horizontal serial numbers on the obverse of the banknote. Solid, fully embedded, vertical 1/2 mm wide security tread. Flaming Uhuru Torch as a see-through register device. Seven denominations "100" of variable fonts scattered throughout the obverse of the banknote fluoresce when exposed to an ultraviolet light. Main colours: Red and purple. Signature: Cleopa David Msuya (Minister for Finance – Waziri wa Fedha, 6 November 1985 – March 1990); Charles Nyirabu (Governor – Gavana, January 1974 – January 1989). Date of issue: Circa 1985. Total emission: 14.916.637. Material: Cotton fibre paper. Issuer: Bank of Tanzania. Printing method: Intaglio. Printer: De La Rue & Company, Limited, London) (Serial # GN443815) (circulated) Fine+

Dimensions: 156 x 82 mm


Catalogue Number: P-8d

Grade/condition: Nice Fine (F+) (circulated, used)

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