Home :: World Banknotes - T :: Tanzania :: Tanzania 5 Shillings (1966) (BL845789) UNC

Tanzania 5 Shillings (1966) (BL845789) UNC

Tanzania 5 Shillings (1966) (BL845789) UNC
Product Code:
28.00 ($ 30.24)
5 Shillings (1966) (Obverse: Effigy of President Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922 - 1999). Coat of arms depicting male and female holding elephant tusks. Flowers and a palm tree. Reverse: Flowers. Mount Kilimanjaro. Watermark: Head of a giraffe. Predominant colour: Brown. Signature: Unknown (Minister for Finance); Edwin I. Mtei (Governor). Printer: Unknown. Date of Release: 1966. Author: Unknown. Material: Paper) (Serial # BL845789) UNC

Dimensions: 138 x 65 mm


Catalogue Number: P-1

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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Banknote Regular Set of 1000 different world banknotes UNC
China 10000 Gold Yuan 1949 (578908/1-J) (circulated) VF-XF
France 100 Francs 23.5.1940 (S.11316/282892866) (circulated) XF
Indonesia 10000 Rupiah 1985 (ZJF2300xx) UNC
Sudan 1 Pound 1.1.1983 (C/117 425882) UNC
Sweden 5 Kronor 1977 (BT/B118694) UNC
Zaire 500000 Zaïres 1992 (LA 9396347 H) UNC
Portugal 10000 Escudos 2.5.1996 (Sig: de Sousa; Pereira)
Gift certificates