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Trinidad & Tobago 20 Dollars 2006 (CT504154) UNC

Trinidad & Tobago 20 Dollars 2006 (CT504154) UNC
Product Code:
12.50 ($ 13.50)
20 Dollars 2006 (Front: White-tailed Sabrewing (Campylopterus ensipennis) hummingbird among flowers. See-through feature design of a hummingbird (on the back too). Coat of Arms depicting Santa Maria, Nina, and Pinta: the three ships Christopher Columbus used on his journey to the "New World, humingbirds, Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber), Cocrico - Rufous-vented Chachalaca (Ortalis ruficauda) and Trinity Hills in southern Trinidad. Flaming Hibiscus flowers. Back: Eric Williams Finance Building in Port of Spain where Central Bank of T&T is located. Steelpans (steel drums). Watermark: Hummingbird. Electrotype 20. Signature: Ewart S. Williams (Governor of the Central Bank). Printer: Thomas De La Rue & Company, Limited) (Serial # CT504154) UNC

Dimensions: 157 x 66 mm


Catalogue Number: P-49a

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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Argentina 10 Pesos Argentinos (1983-84) (00.497.5xxA) UNC
Brazil 200 Cruzeiros (1990) (A06280672xxA) UNC
Cambodia 100 Riels (1972) (Po1/2746xx) UNC
China 1 Customs Gold Unit 1930 (MA334543) (circulated) Fine
France 500 Francs 1994 (J 001194611) UNC-
Jersey 1 Pound (2000) (AEC5217xx) UNC
Mexico 20 Pesos 1977 (DF/F401553x) UNC
Swaziland 10 Emalangeni 1.4.2006 (BI6801xx) UNC
Bangladesh 5 Taka 2017 (GJ-76108xx) UNC
Gift certificates