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Turkey 5 Lira (1968) (E67 39760x) UNC

Turkey 5 Lira (1968) (E67 39760x) UNC
Product Code:
10.00 ($ 10.80)
5 Lira (1968) (Front: Effigy of President Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938). Flowers. Back: Manavgat Waterfall in Antalya. Watermark: Head profile of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Security features: Watermark. Running serial numbers. Solid security thread. Main colour: Purple. Artist: No info. Engraver: No info. Signatures: Naim Talu (Genel Müdür - General Manager); Nevzat Alptürk (Genel Müdür Muavini - Assistant General Manager); Riza Uygurer (Emisyon Ve Vezne Müdüru - Emissions Manager and Cashier). Printing method: Intaglio. Issuer: The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey - Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi. Emission Group: E6. Series: I. Date of Issue: 8 January 1968. Date of Withdrawal: 16 May 1983. Legal Circulation Ended: 16 May 1984. End of Redemption Period: 16 May 1993. Date of Loss of Value: 17 May 1993. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: Banknote Printing Plant - Devlet Banknot Matbaasi) (Serial Nos: E67 39760x) UNC

Remark: Series E32-F90 (different watermark)

Dimensions: 135 x 60 mm


Catalogue Number: P-179b

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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