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Ukraine 100 Hryven' 2014 (Sig: V. Hontareva) (YM0479048) UNC

Ukraine 100 Hryven' 2014 (Sig: V. Hontareva) (YM0479048) UNC
Product Code:
12.50 ($ 13.50)
100 Hryvieñ 2014 (Front: Portrait of Taras Shevchenko (1814–1861), poet and artist (from his self-portrait painted in 1840-1841). Painter palette with paint brushes. Taras Hill or Chernecha Hora (literally: Monk's Hill) on the bank of Dnieper River (Dnipro, Dnepr) near Kaniv in the Cherkasy Oblast (province) in central Ukraine where remains of Taras Shevchenko have been buried since 1861. Tryzub (Trident), the national coat of arms of Ukraine. Back: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. Watermark: Portrait of Taras Shevchenko; Electrotype '100'. Signature: Valeriia Hontareva (Голова – Golova – Governor, 19 June 2014 – 11 May 2017). Dominant colours: Olive green and burgundy. Security threads: 1. Vertical, solid, metallic, fully embedded, 1,25 mm wide, with '100 ГРН' and a Tryzub. 2. Vertical, windowed on the obverse, 4 mm wide plastic security thread, bearing repetitive '100' and the new Hryvnia currency symbol on it, featuring bidirectional motion feature. Tactile feature: Toothpicks on both ends of the banknote and a grey-blue square executed in intaglio print. Issuer: National Bank of Ukraine. Print date: 2014. Date of circulation: 9 March 2015. Material: Cotton fiber paper. Printing method: Intaglio. Printer: Banknote Printing Works of the National Bank of Ukraine (Est. 1994)) (Serial # YM0479048) UNC

Dimensions: 142 x 75 mm

Catalogue Number: P-126a (Albert Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

Texts: УКРАЇНА (Ukraïna). Національний банк України (Natsional'niy Bank Ukraïni). Сто гривень (Sto Hryvien'). One Hundred Hryvnias. "Свою Україну любіть, Любіть її... Во время люте, В остатню тяжкую минуту За неї Господа моліть." Тарас Шевченко. Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка.

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