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Ukraine 500 Hryvieñ 2015 (XA7987677) UNC

Ukraine 500 Hryvieñ 2015 (XA7987677) UNC
Product Code:
47.50 ($ 51.30)
500 Hryvieñ 2015 (Front: Portrait of Ukrainian philosopher and poet Grigoriy Hryhorii Skovoroda (1722-1794). Tryzub, the national coat of arms of Ukraine. Picture of the Skovoroda's concept "Unequal to all equality". Back: Mazepa building of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. XVIII century seal of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy bearing words "ACADEMIA KIIOVIENSIS SIGILLUM" and a building of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in its center. Watermark: Portrait of Hryhorii Skovoroda; Hryvnia currency symbol monogram in electrotype. Signature: Valeriya Hontareva (Голова – Golova – Governor, 19 June 2014 – 11 May 2017). Dominant colours: Brown and tan. Security threads: 1. Vertical, solid, metallic, fully embedded, 1,25 mm wide, with '500 ГРН' and a Tryzub. 2. Vertical, windowed on the obverse, 4 mm wide plastic security thread, bearing repetitive '500' and the new Hryvnia currency symbol on it, featuring bidirectional motion feature. Tactile feature: Toothpicks on each end of the banknote and three vertical circular dashes (left side) executed in intaglio print. Designers: Oleksandr Kharuk, Serhii Kharuk. Issuer: National Bank of Ukraine. Date of printing: 2015. Material: Cotton fiber paper. Printing method: Intaglio. Printer: Banknote Printing Works of the National Bank of Ukraine (Est. 1994)) (Serial # XA7987677) UNC

Dimensions: 155 x 75 mm

Catalogue Number: P-127a (Albert Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

Texts: УКРАЇНА (Ukraïna). Національний банк України (Natsional'niy Bank Ukraïni). П'ятсот гривень (P'yatsot Hryven'). Five Hundred Hryven. "Не ра́вное всѣмъ ра́венство. Льются изъ разныхъ тру́бокъ, разные токи: въ ра́зные" Григорій Сковорода. Києво-Могилянська академія.

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