Home :: World Banknotes - Y :: Yugoslavia :: Yugoslavia 100 Dinara 15.7.1934 (Љ.0501/12513735) UNC

Yugoslavia 100 Dinara 15.7.1934 (Љ.0501/12513735) UNC

Yugoslavia 100 Dinara 15.7.1934 (Љ.0501/12513735) UNC
Product Code:
155.00 ($ 173.60)
100 Dinara 15.7.1934 (Front: St. George's church on top of Oplenac hill in the town of Topola, Serbia. Open book, microscope and a bunch of grapes at the feet of a seated woman in medieval Serbian costume, holding quill with her right hand, with her left hand placed on a shoulder of a falconer with sword. Back: Sailing boats in Dubrovnik (Ragusa) harbour in Croatia on the Mediterranean coast. Fruit, plate, book, Gusle stringed musical instrument, fish at the feet of two seated women holding anchor, sickle and a sheaf of wheat in their hands with coat of arms of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia between them. Silos and factory smokestacks. Watermark: Head of King Aleksandar I Karađorđević in profile. Signatures: (L2R) Jovan Lovčević (Member of the Management Board – Члан Управе); Melko Čingrija (Governor of the NBKY (NBKJ) – Гувернер, 1934–1935). Main colours: Blue and multicolour. Designers: Panta Stojičević, Vasa Pomorišac. Engraver: Veljko Andrejević Kun. Issuer: National Bank of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia – Narodna Banka Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Date of Issue: 15 July 1934. Date of withdrawal: 10 July 1941. Material: Cotton fiber paper. Printing method: Intaglio. Printer: Institute for the production of banknotes and coins – Zavod za izradu novčanica i kovanog novca, Beograd, Serbia (ZIN)) (Serial No: Љ.0501/12513735) UNC

Dimensions: 172 x 102 mm

Catalogue Number: P-31 (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint) GRADING INFO

Texts: Народна Банка Краљевине Југославије плаћа доносиоцу Сто Динара. Београд, 15 Jули 1934. Фалсификовање новчаница казни се по прописима кривичног законика, коjи вреде за кривице због прављења лажног новца. Narodna Banka Kraljevine Jugoslavije plaća donosiocu Sto Dinara. Falsifikovanje novčanica kazni se propisima Krivičnog Zakonika koji vrede za krivice zbog pravljenja lažnog novca. Sokolac. Соколац. One Hundred Yugoslav Dinars.