Home :: World Banknotes - Y :: Yugoslavia :: Yugoslavia 10000 Dinara 1993 (Ser # varies) (circulated) VF-XF

Yugoslavia 10000 Dinara 1993 (Ser # varies) (circulated) VF-XF

Yugoslavia 10000 Dinara 1993 (Ser # varies) (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:
2.00 ($ 2.16)
10000 Dinara 1993 (Obverse: Portrait of Vuk Stefanovic Karadžic (7 November 1787 – 7 February 1864), Serbian linguist and majour reformer of the Serbian language; Monogram arms of the National Bank of Yugoslavia. Reverse: Tronoša monastery near Loznica and Tršic; Vuk Karadžic’s house today in village-museum Tršic. Watermark: Symmetrical diamond grid-like design repeated. Signature: Borivoje Atanackovic (Guverner - Governor). Artists: D. Andric Fec.; D. Andric - A. Dimitrijevic Sc.; P. Medecijan - R. Obradovic C.G. Printer: Narodna Banka Jugoslavije - Zavod za Izradu Novcanica i Kovanog Novca - Beograd) (Serial # varies) (circulated) VF-XF

Dimensions: 163 x 77 mm


Catalogue Number: P-129

Grade/condition: Very Fine to Extremely Fine (VF-XF) (circulated, used)

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