Home :: World Banknotes - Z :: Zaire :: Zaire 5 Zaïres 24.11.1977 (Regional hand seal overprint: Shaba) (B 3024858 K) UNC

Zaire 5 Zaïres 24.11.1977 (Regional hand seal overprint: Shaba) (B 3024858 K) UNC

Zaire 5 Zaïres 24.11.1977 (Regional hand seal overprint: Shaba) (B 3024858 K) UNC
Product Code:
25.00 ($ 27.00)
5 Zaïres 24.11.1977 (Front: Leaping leopard. Zairean dictator - Mobutu Sese Seko (1930-1997) in civilian uniform wearing his leopard skin toque and spectacles (eyeglasses). Coat of arms. Regional hand seal overprint depicting arm holding flaming torch. Back: Wood carved statuette of a seated nude Congolese woman. The Inga I Hydroelectric Power Station and Dam on the Congo River near Matadi. Signature: (as depicted) J. Sambwa Mbagui and Bofossa W. Amba (Le Gouverneur). Watermark: Portrait of Mobutu Sese Seko in 1/2 profile; Inscription "5 Zaïres". Predominant colour: Green. Printer: Giesecke & Devrient, Münich) (Regional hand seal overprint: Shaba) (Serial # B 3024858 K) UNC

Dimensions: 171 x 85 mm

Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu wa za Banga (October 14, 1930 – September 7, 1997), known commonly as Mobutu, or Joseph Mobutu-Sese Seko, born Joseph-Désiré Mobutu, was the President of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) for 32 years (1965 – 1997). He rose to power after a coup d'état.


Attention: It's the second one from the top in the above group image.

Catalogue Number: P-R3b

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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Gift certificates