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Zaire 50 Nouveaux Makuta 1993 (B 18718xx C) UNC

Zaire 50 Nouveaux Makuta 1993 (B 18718xx C) UNC
Product Code:
4.50 ($ 4.73)
50 Nouveaux Makuta 24.6.1993 (Front: Leaping leopard. Zairean dictator - Mobutu Sese Seko in military uniform. Coat of Arms. Back: Zairean chieftain or sorcerer. Fishermen operating a primitive and effective fishing facility with stick nets. Signature: Buhendwa Bwa Mushaba (Le Gouverneur). Watermark: Portrait of Mobutu Sese Seko in 1/2 profile. Date of Issue: 24 June 1993. Printer: Hotel des Monnaies, Zaïre) (Serial Nos: B 18718xx C) UNC

Dimensions: 159 x 79 mm

Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu wa za Banga (October 14, 1930 – September 7, 1997), known commonly as Mobutu, or Joseph Mobutu-Sese Seko, born Joseph-Désiré Mobutu, was the President of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) for 32 years (1965 – 1997). He rose to power after a coup d'état.


Catalogue Number: P-51a

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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Bangladesh 25 Taka 2013 (sa-pa-00128xx) UNC
Italy 10000 Lire 3.9.1984 (GK 263948 G) UNC
Jamaica 2 Dollars 1993 (HX4152xx) UNC
Papua New Guinea 5 Kina (1992) (HCG 6819xx) UNC
Poland 10000 Zlotych 1988 (AK 1150xxx) UNC
Russia 500 Roubles 1898 (Sig: Konshin & Sofronov)
Switzerland 1000 Francs 24.1.1972
Congo Democratic Republic 200 Francs 30.6.2013 (ND39224xxK) UNC
France 5 Francs 23.12.1943 (N.104/258728376) AU
Gift certificates