Home :: World Banknotes - Z :: Zimbabwe :: Zimbabwe 2 Dollars 1983 (AA-4741114-L) (circulated) VF

Zimbabwe 2 Dollars 1983 (AA-4741114-L) (circulated) VF

Zimbabwe 2 Dollars 1983 (AA-4741114-L) (circulated) VF
Product Code:
5.00 ($ 5.40)
2 Dollars 1983 (Front: African Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer). Chiremba Balancing Rocks (Domboremari, the Money Rock) in the northern approaches of the town of Epworth near Harare, Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia). Palm trees. Back: Goliath tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath). Kariba dam on Zambezi River. Ornamental guilloche pattern, lathework. Watermark: Zimbabwe Bird. Signature: Dr. Kombo James Moyana (Governor, 1983–1993). Main colour: Blue. Artist: F.P.R.Z. Material: Cotton paper substrate. Issuer: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. First date of issue: 15 July 1981. Date on the banknote: 1983. Withdrawal: 21 August 2006. Printing method: Intaglio (raised ink). Printer: Fidelity Printers & Refiners, Zimbabwe (FPRZ)) (Serial # AA-4741114-L) (circulated) VF

Dimensions: 134 x 68 mm

Catalogue Number: P-1b (Albert Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Very Fine (VF) (circulated, used)

Texts: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. I promise to pay the bearer on demand Two Dollars for the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. Harare 1983.

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