Home :: World Banknotes - Z :: Zimbabwe :: Zimbabwe 20000 Dollars 1.12.2003 (FH6154698) UNC

Zimbabwe 20000 Dollars 1.12.2003 (FH6154698) UNC

Zimbabwe 20000 Dollars 1.12.2003 (FH6154698) UNC
Product Code:
12.00 ($ 12.96)
20000 Dollars 1.12.2003 Bearer cheque. Redemption date: on or before 31st of December 2005 (Chiremba Balancing Rocks in Epworth near Harare; Zimbabwe's national flower - Flame Lily; Rhinoceroses; Rhinos; Rabbit (find it!). Watermark: The Zimbabwe Bird with long neck; Electrotype vertical "RBZ". Signature: Dr. Gideon Gono (Governor, Nov. 2003 - Nov. 2013). Issuer: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. Material: Cotton fiber paper. Printer: Fidelity Printers & Refiners, Zimbabwe (FPRZ)) (Serial # FH6154698) UNC

Dimensions: 148 x 74 mm


Catalogue Number: P-23f

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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Bhutan 5 Ngultrum (1985) (C/3 9144xxx) UNC
Egypt 10 Pounds 2007 (sig.21b) (249/faa 30587xx) UNC
France 50 Francs 1983 (V.33/820643591) UNC
Indonesia 50000 Rupiah 1999 (CAC000001) UNC
Japan 10 Yen (1915) (766538{86}) (circulated) F
Jersey 5 Pounds (2010) (AD0089xx) UNC
Portugal 500 Escudos 7.11.2000 (80A145003) (circulated) VF-XF
Zimbabwe 50 Billion Dollars 2008 (AA/AB Prefixes) UNC
Gift certificates